Conscious Creators

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Reweaving your original DNA blueprint

A Ceremony through our inner realms to actualise our infinite potential as Creator Beings.

This template of Spirit Fabric with plant kingdom heroes Rosemary, Rose & Cacao (among others), has specifically come together to empower us to overcome the obstacles disconnecting us from our innate power and wisdom.

》Ever found yourself separate to your dreams and creations, where the distance seems insurmountable?
》Are you defining yourself as what you may accomplish in the future, or by your past experiences?
》Do you believe that you have the ability to create magic?
》Find yourself moving with waves of emotions, while lacking balance, motivation and trust?

Activating the ability to walk the path of our soul mission will be this ceremony’s focus, bringing fertility to our productive desires for personal expansion, creative freedom and embodied beliefs.

This plant medicine ceremony is ready to cultivate vitality and fortitude to move with the rhythms of life, and empower a deep inner knowing of our creative potential.


We are in the midst of a transitional shift, where the New Earth is ready to be written.
Materialise your dreams, potential and capabilities to contribute.


With Ritual and Ceremonial Magick, this Medicinal Plant Brew is to aid the bridging of the consciousness gap between you and your creative goals.

All humans have great potential to be abundantly fertile in CREATING tremendous life, joyous experiences, mind blowing art and ecstatic connection to the Divine.

Artists, Prospective Parents, Entrepreneurs, Consciousness Explorers and Creatives of all kinds are welcome to attend this intimate experience to develop your innate Power of Creation.

What would your life look like with more Creative Power?

Next Date: May 13th, 2023
Location: Ewingsdale, Byron Hinterland, NSW
Exchange: $164

I completed rigorous training and initiations with the Shamanic Energy Training (Dragon lineage) as a Sacred Space Weaver and was Certified as a Ceremonialist. This training is an IEHA Globally Accredited Training and I dedicated over 4 years of training and initiations with 500+ contact hours, including ongoing supervision and mentorship. In so doing, they have taught us how to work simultaneously within the Inner and Outer Planes by creating Sacred Space, essential to being able to safely guide individuals and groups during their encounters with their true selves and the spirit world. The depth, tenure and immersion of this training enables me, as a facilitator to walk the path of a technician of sacred spaces with the upmost integrity, safety and honour.

Dean with full hearts we both thank you. As we write this I am 15 weeks pregnant, after taking part in a ceremony with Dean to call and welcome this little spirit growing inside me Earth side.

Dean is a master at holding space and his ability to attune to both masculine and feminine energy with equanimity and an innate intelligence made it possible for both of us to feel safe to take this journey of healing and preparation together.

We had been dreaming of conceiving for over a year when we took part in the ceremony with Dean. For us this was the final piece of the puzzle that turned our dream into reality, a gift for which we will be forever grateful.

Once again thank you Dean, thank you for the dedication you have to the work that you do. You have truely changed our lives.

With the deepest love
Dean is such an incredible space holder, who allows a safe space for one to open up to deeper levels of healing within. The connection he has with the spirit of lady blue lotus, and the space he creates for you to allow her medicine and wisdom in, is beyond words. His presence and energy is extremely calming, allowing you to drop deeper into yourself and the space.

His wisdom and knowledge of the plants he works with is evident, being in right relationship with all spirits he works with. Throughout the entire ceremony, from beginning to end, I felt extremely nurtured, safe, held, supported, and ready to go deep within, knowing that it was being guided by Deans loving presence. He holds a space of deep integrity, which allows for a very grounded and embodied experience throughout his ceremonies.

Thank you so much Dean for your knowledge, wisdom, guidance and compassion in the work you do, the world needs more of this. I couldn’t recommend his blue lotus ceremonies highly enough.
— Eloise Fielke