
Awaken Your Intuition With Pendulum Dowsing: Full Day Workshop & Healing Modality


“The Pendulum for the Lightworker, is akin to the Lighsaber for the Jedi.”
- Andrew Paradnik

Everyone would benefit from being able to work with a Pendulum, as the awakening to Intuition is very profound.

The Pendulum is a divination tool that has been in use for many many generations, worked with these days by therapists for a huge variety of benefits, while the magickal folk weave it’s medicine and power into their Sacred Spaces. In recent years my connection to my Pendulum has brought along a huge sense of Trust in my decisions via vibrational resonance to the quantum field and to my higher self. With the ability to connect to the subconcious and superconscious realms, no question is left unanswered.

This workshop teaches you how to use the pendulum as a tool with appropriate boundaries and protection.

If you are new to the pendulum and psychic work, this workshop is a great step to harnessing your intuition and starting your healing journey. If you are an experienced healer/practitioner, this workshop will give you a full modality to incorporate into your existing work. Once a rapport with the pendulum is developed, your ability to uncover previously hidden truths for you (or your clients) will exponentially increase, plus give you a powerful tool to support the healing required.

Sharon Bolt my mentor from The Temple Of Shamanic Magick® is the Creator of this workshop and has been dowsing for her own healing and self growth, and in therapy sessions, plus workshops, for over 20 years. She works easily and seamlessly with pendulums, and has distilled the most useful and powerful information and training into a one day workshop to provide techniques to teach you to do the same.

I am trained and have the expressed permission to share this workshop with those that wish to explore the art of Pendulum Dowsing.

This tool is now an invaluable part of my own personal life and has assisted not only my own self growth, but numerous clients in my Spirit Alchemy, Divination and Consulting Sessions. I rarely leave home without it and am very excited to share the many ways a Pendulum can weave in your life.


More information on what you will learn and get out of this workshop below!




 What Will You Get Out of Attending?

Learn how to use your pendulum to address different life scenarios and situations e.g. food testing, crystal usage, supplement testing, flower essence selection, affirmations, self healing, healing others (chakras, auras, imprints), distant healing, changing negative beliefs and working with David Hawkins’ Scale of Consciousness and much more. The possibilities are limitless.

Learn how to heal others using a pendulum – we will go through a full pendulum healing session so you can start using your skills on family and friends.

This is more than a "how to use a pendulum" workshop.  You will receive an actual healing modality that can be incorporated into your existing practice, or used to kick off your healing practice.

Learning how to clear negative emotions using a pendulum and a magnet, is genuinely one of the most powerful techniques I have ever learnt!

This is a highly experiential workshop, providing many opportunities to healing your own chakras and endocrine system - for this you will need a crystal that represents each chakra. Please bring these with you. You will use it every time you need to balance your own energy centres.

Next Workshop: Saturday November 19th, Ewingsdale, NSW.
Location: In-Person Ewingsdale.
Exchange: $295 (Includes Lunch & Afternoon Tea)
BYO pendulum or purchase an Orgonite Self Cleansing Pendulum through us (highly recommend).
Orgonite Pendulum’s: $90 (please detail in your booking if you would like one of these on the day).
Time: Start 10am with 1hour lunch + Finish approximately 5pm.

You will learn to:

  • Master the art of dowsing so that you receive accurate responses

  • Understand how to interpret the answers given by the pendulum movements and know when it's time to recheck

  • Establish rapport with your pendulum quickly and easily

  • Determine when to ask questions and learn correct ways to phrase questions

  • Connect to your Higher Self via dowsing

  • Journey to connect to your inner master dowser and other useful pendulum spiritual connections

  • Clear limiting beliefs and programmes

  • Increase abundance via clearing scarcity blocks

  • Detox your pineal gland for more accurate dowsing

  • Harness the power of intention and improve your ability to manifest

  • Connect to Mother Earth and the Elements easily and seamlessly

  • Learn to use your own body as a pendulum

  • Awaken your intuition to new levels, to become a “super psychic” with pendulum use


All material relating to The Temple of Shamanic Magick® Workshop is provided under official licence. The Temple of Shamanic Magick is a registered trade mark in Australia, and an unregistered trade mark in all other locations where it is used throughout the world.

All other The Temple of Shamanic Magick Intellectual Property is copyright to Lemurian Dragon Pty Ltd, protected under the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, and used under licence with the owner’s express permission.

These materials are provided for your personal, non-commercial use only, and may not be shared without express permission, or used in any way that competes with the business interests of Dean Benson or The Temple of Shamanic Magick. If you have any questions or concerns about what constitutes appropriate use, please email or