The Inner Child

In every adult there lurks a child— an eternal child, something that is always becoming, is never completed, and calls for unceasing care, attention, and education. That is the part of the personality which wants to develop and become whole.”  Carl Jung


6 week online reparenting focus.
Liberating your present self from the ghosts of the past.

This programme has been inspried by my work with ‘From Drugs To Divinity’ and will consist of Ritual Magick, ‘Family Constellations’ & ‘Soul Constellations’ + more.

Anyone on a self discovery path, eventually find their way back to childhood root causes of Behaviour, Programming, Wounds and Development.

The acknowledgement of our Inner Child and tending to it’s needs creates such significant energetic shifts in the present, it is a valuable process for anyone seeking change and empowerment.

Each week the online group will have a focus for exploration, the energy of the group will be worked with in a constellation format to uncover themes.

Tasks and rituals will be presented to support our healing and integration process.

These core aspects will be in a digestable package and all calls recorded for continual viewing throughout the 6 week container, or catch up if you cannot make one live.

What to expect:
》Elemental Rituals & Set Weekly Tasks
》Constellation Weaving (Soul & Family)
》Deeper Self Awareness & Responsibility

Weekly Calls:
Tuesdays for 6 weeks,
Dates: March 12th, 19th, 26th + April 2nd & 9th.
Container Support: Via Online Support Group in Discord

This space is held within a Shamanic Energy Training® Sacred Space Weaver Template.
Deep gratitude to Sharon Bolt my mentor for supporting the birthing of this programme and for the ‘Soul Constellations’ modality being offered within.


“My inner child feels seen and heard and through this reconnection and exploration, I have healed some deep wounds. There is now so much more love and acceptance for all parts of me.”
”If you are wanting love, strength, guidance, support, nurturing and understanding on inner child work this is without doubt where you’ll find it.”
“Until now, I never realised how important working with my inner child actually is for my self healing journey.”
”Highly recommend this container to anyone willing to do the hard work it takes to become a better version of them selfs and help heals those parts of your inner child that have not been healed”
”I’ve learnt to properly sit with my inner child and feel the great depths of both the Divine and the shadows in the safest most integral space possible.”


It is likely that there will be tender moments or emotional releases throughout the container as you transmute and release old energy and this is to be celebrated. Whatever shifts is coming up to help you embody your overall intention.

Whatever comes up is coming up because you are READY to hold and support it. You may age regress (feel like a child) at times. You may then project your issues onto others. You may even become triggered by other participants or Dean. This is all good and to be expected however stay in your power + take responsibility with this, have compassion as you move through the trigger - the invitation is to stay in mindfulness to what surfaces for you throughout. Reach out and get a 1:1 session to help you move through it if you get stuck in a loop.