Dream Weaving The Organic Timeline
A Dreaming Body Retrieval and Dream Realm Activation. We are here to Dream a New Earth!
Calling upon those who wish to become aligned to their dreams, co-create with the Universe and be in service to our Sacred Mother. Dream Weaving is a Shamanic Skill that takes years of communion. Most of us dream at night and do not access the true dreaming realms and are just stuck in the astral world.
“Activate the Dreamer” is a 33 day commitment to developing your woven connection to not only your dream recall, lucid dreaming and personal intentions, but to earth work, ritual magick and the greater good. Planting the seed for the Dreamer within to step forward.
We all have a dreaming body that can become damaged or hurt, yet dreaming in the benevolent dreaming realms is our birthright.
We invite you on 33 nights of deep dreaming to heal your dreaming body and dream together the weaving of the organic timeline with the Great Mother of Creation.
We will do dream body repair work and experience different dreaming practices as a group of 13 with Dean as your facilitator and witness.
13 is a sacred number and is our number guardian for this journey. During the training we will explore the significance of 13 and it’s key to healing our dreaming body and so much more.
Conscious, intentional dreaming in a group has the power to:
》Connect you to your soul family
》Allow you to find calm, clarity and purpose
》Ignite connection with other realms
》Allow you to feel part of a telepathic web of weavers
》Enable you to weave your life differently with the inherent power of dreaming
》Explore the different dreaming realms
》Open you to a reality of co-creation in the dreaming realms
》Ignite your elemental connection through a practice known as Elemental Dreaming
》You will have set homework which must be done each night before bed (allow min 10 min).
We will open and close with Sacred Ceremony. There will be weekly calls to discuss insights and to receive suggestions to assist you on this journey. This is a highly active group where we will connect daily!
This journey is a deep reconnection, remembrance and inner journey. This will allow you to comprehend the different dreaming realms and learn how to activate them for an intentional life embedded with synchronicity and connection.
Dreaming Pack Supplied: (RRP $122)
》2 x Liberation Alchemical Vibrational Essences
》1 x Plant Spirit for 33 Day Communion
》Surprise Gift
This journey is supported by Liberation (details below), as well as a special Plant Spirit we will be in deep communion with. Materials will be posted before the journey so please ensure prompt booking with delivery address for ample posting times.
The full energy exchange for this professionally held journey across multiple realms is $575 (products included).
This work was created by Sharon Bolt (Shamanic Energy Training® and The Temple of Shamanic Magick®) , I have full training and permission to lead this container and infuse it with my own magick and embodied experience.
Note: Application process is not to find out who the best dreamers are, it is to align a pod of resonance.
Beginners, Experienced Dreamers and International participants welcome.

2024 Dates: August 12th - Sept 16th
》33 Nights of Dreaming Weaving in a Pod of 13 + Dean (Witness)
》Nightly Ritual Magick
》Weekly Video Calls Monday Evenings @ 7:30pm
》Opening Ceremony, Teachings, Constellations & Collective Dream Intentions
》Dreaming Pack Supplied including;
2 x Liberation Essences + Plant Spirit + Surprise Gift (Express Posted)
》Constant Support Group via Discord for sharing dreams, questions and course info (instructions given upon booking to add yourself and how to use the application).EXCHANGE: $575 (All inclusive)
》Part of this exchange will be donated to Sea Shepherd in support of the Whales and the Waters of our planet.
》If you struggle to read the questions in the questionnaire, please use your computer.
Liberation is a alchemised vibrational essence, just like a Bach Flower or Bush Flower remedy. Each 1ml contains proprietary potentised vibrational frequency of:
》Panch agni
》Royal Jelly
》Kunjika mantra
》Light of Jupiter
》Protea flower essence
》Rasashastric Navaratna (100 cycle) comprising reacted bhasmas of:
Ruby, Yellow Sapphire, Emerald, White Topaz, Chrysoberyl, Hessonite, Fresh Water Pearl, Lapis Lazuli, Himalayan red Coral, Monatomic Gold, Monatomic Silver, organic Red Rose Petal
》Alcohol as a preservative for Shelf Life
“I absolutely loved my journey with Dean in the dreaming realms for ‘Activate the dreamer’
It came at a time for me where my dreams were really active and quite draining on the physical. I chose this as I wanted to consciously direct my dreams and learn to navigate the higher dreaming realms with more ease. It also felt like a calling to be of service through these interesting times in the collective.
Dean provided a beautiful container where we felt safe to explore more of ourselves. This practice has also embedded for me a nightly ritual I have continued to work with and deepened my relationship with prayer.
Thank you Dean! I highly recommend this to people who wish to expand their dreaming capacity and deepen their relationship to self 🐳”
“I am used to have crazy dreams and a lot of time I either don’t understand what they meant or don’t remember the details.
When I signed up for this 33 nights dreaming pod, I was expecting to learn more about my dreams and deepen the connection with my soul and the spirits.
What happened is the whole experience is beyond my imagination! Every night I was going on a journey or a mission with the group. I had a lot of astral dreams and also I have even able to go into the benevolent dreaming realm and connect with the mother of creation. It has changed the way I dream and also reflected in my everyday life.
“Activate the dreamer” has set me on the path to be more compassionate and live a soul aligned life. I am so grateful to be in the dreaming pod and meet another 12 dreamer… “you may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one” 🙏🙏🙏 ”
“Wow where do I start deans activate the dreamer journey was one of the most magical experiences that is still helping me evolve to this day and I’m so glad to have taken part and now realise the healing power of dreams ✨ ”
“I took part in “Activate The Dreamer” without any expectations. I had no idea what was in store for me, I just knew deep down that I had to take part in this training!
I learned a lot of things about dreaming and ways of dreaming that I didn’t realize were so expanding!
Dreaming in community was an enriching experience, as were the evening rituals 💗. The many missions, healing dreams and at the end the shifting in different scenes were sometimes tiring and yet it was very satisfying to be allowed to be in service in such a profound way 🙏🏻.
Dean, I was able to learn a lot and I can confirm that the wait was worth it! Thank you for your support in the dreams and for holding the container. Thank you for your patience, answering my many questions and understanding my “language barrier” (when asking „silly“ questions). It was an honor to be part of your 13 students and I am very much looking forward to being back next year 💗.
Many blessings and much love 🙏🏻
I‘d like to add that my dreaming amplified in a way I would/could have never imagined being possible! I am very grateful for all the gifts I received during this 33 nights. Thank you thank you thank you 🙏🏻
And my deepest gratitude to all the benevolent spirit, spirit animals and ancestors who were supporting us 🐳🦄🦋🐞🐢🐍🐆🦜🐉🌺 🌿🌈through out the whole time”
“From the day I signed up to Activate the Dreamer, my dreaming started to open up I knew I was in the right space!
After completing multiple containers with Dean, I feel like every time they finish I think “this was the best one”, but really felt that about Activate the Dreamer. Dean holds the space really well and explains the process perfectly which makes it really easy to feel comfortable with the group.
My favourite part about the container was creating a nice ritual before bed each night and then seeing the immediate effects of the intentions set in the dreams weave their way into waking life.
I had some profound experiences in my day to day life during the weeks of the container and really felt the full effects.
Dreaming has always been something I have had a great interest in, so it was nice to learn more about the process and how I can fully dive in.
Could recommend this harder - especially if the dream realm has been something you have been curious about!”
“Activate the Dreamer called me from the beginning and I’m SO glad I said yes. It was such a pleasure to explore dreaming consciously, bringing intent and magic into the experience of dreaming. The magic didn’t just occur in the dreaming realms, either: it filtered through into my waking life, with beautiful synchronicities unfolding in this earthly realm.
It was also really beautiful to be part of a collective vision for the healing of humanity and Earth; this gave dreaming a whole new and much deeper meaning. I loved being part of a group of people who all came with such beautiful dreams and wishes for this planet and its beings. This was what surprised and delighted me most. I expected to deepen my own dreaming experience, but I didn’t realise how wonderful it would be to feel part of something bigger, how connected to the dreaming group I would feel, and how good it would feel to be surrounded by people who genuinely care about the Earth and humanity. It was a very fulfilling and rewarding experience to serve the collective in this way.
And, as someone who has done a lot of courses, I really enjoyed being part of this because it was so unique and different!
Thank you Dean for holding such accepting and loving space for us. It was a joy to be part of your dreaming pod. I’ll definitely be back.”
“I really wasn’t sure what to expect but knew after reading the description of “activate the dreamer” that it was calling me. I knew it was going to be something special and it delivered beyond my wildest dreams. 2 weeks before commencing I had my first dream and only realised later that I was dreaming with 2 other members in the group… and that was just the beginning of the magic and synchronicities that unfolded, in both my dreaming and waking life.
This experience has assisted the strengthening of my trust in my connection to spirit and the relationships I have with the mother of creation and my ancestors. I have a newfound sense of acceptance and accountability of where I am and the responsibility that comes with this work. I have so much gratitude and feel so blessed to have had this experience. Thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏”
“Was very grateful when the activate the dreamer experience showed up in my reality.
I’ve always been a big dreamer so was looking forward to being able to experience this offering on another level . It was easily a yes to choose it, with confirmation from the dream realms. (Of course 😊).
Such a beautiful experience knowing each evening I was connected to the other dreamers in the pod, weaving prayers together and exploring different layers of the mystery known as dreaming. The ritual magic and the informative components on the dreaming that was shared, took my dream magick to the next level.
So grateful to Dean Benson who held an energetically congruent and safe container, and created a space that allowed us to go deeper into aspects of the self through the art of dreaming. So grateful to him and the other pod peeps for showing up and connecting through this awesome experience. ❤️🙏”
“Activate the dreamer was so magical, I loved the effect it had on my bedtime routine and really saw my dreams unfold in my waking life. Highly recommend this container, Dean is so great at supporting everyone and the spirits. Definitely a favorite so far!”
“This container was by far the most insane few months of my life
The feeling of being super excited every night to go to sleep improved my energy levels heaps!
The message I received during my sleep assisted me in making the right decisions in my waking life, this container extremely improved the trust I have in my intuition
Dean has an amazing way bringing everyone together with trust, I felt very comfortable in every session even with new people
This has been my favourite container I’ve done with Dean so far, I’m really keen to for the next ❤️”
This is a deeply immersive experience where you will be dreaming each night with the pod participants and Dean. This is not a journey that you can join casually and then not participate in. Your participation, alongside everyone else in the container is vital. If you are not in a space to commit to this fully then you are better off waiting until a future dreaming pod. Please seriously consider this before booking.
What if I can’t recall my dreams, will I still benefit?
》Yes. This work is designed to heal and activate your dreaming body, build new neural networks and instill the disciplines required to help you recall and anchor intentionalised dreams into your physical life. This work may activate sooner for some than others as this is an individual process.
Why is Dreaming a Skill worth committing to?
》Everything in reality comes from a Dream, all of humanities communities over time, technologies and ways of life have come from the Dreaming Realms. From a 3D viewpoint all the greatest inventions on this planet have started from a seed of creation, from an idea in someone’s mind, that has then bloomed into a full blown business, invention or movement. From a Shamanic point of view, you can access the realms of Creation through intentional Dreaming Work, which has strong lineage traditions to manifest and co-create with Spirits for a Unified outcome. Dreaming in a new reality for this planet is of the utmost importance at this time.
How can I best prepare for dreaming in this pod?
》You may benefit from a gut cleansing protocol prior to joining the pod. Alternatively you can start working with the Liberation Remedy in the lead up to the Opening Ceremony which can be used intentionally for pre cleansing and to kick start your dreaming journey. Contact your dreaming pod facilitator to purchase additional bottles. Additionally you may like to work with specifically designed herbal cleansing suppositories made by Alyce, one of the dreaming facilitators which includes the Liberation Remedy and other parasite, cleansing and dreaming herbs.
I have never done anything like this before, is it suitable for a beginner?
》Yes this body of work is suitable for beginners and advanced dreamers alike. We work in a feminine way which encompasses an element of surrender and not forcing an outcome. The rituals and practices shared in this 33 night experience are designed to create new neural pathways for dreaming, dream recall and deeper connection to the earth and the greater weave of creative consciousness which activates at different times for everyone, much like seeds that germinate in their own perfect time.
What if I skip some of the nights of intentional dreaming, will I be kicked out of the group?
》No. But remember this is a group effort and the more we put in as a collective pod the more we will get back as we are working as co-creators with the Earth Mother. Be fair and considerate to the group as a whole and use this as an opportunity to practice commitment to self, others and the collective as a whole.
I am already an advanced dreamer, will I still benefit from this dreaming pod experience?
》Yes. Note it is not about how good or not we can dream, it is about uniting collectively with the Earth Mother to assist in planting new seeds for our lives, our future and generations to come. The activations and transmissions shared in this pod are very unique to the lineage which you will be supported by on your dreaming journey (The White Dragon Lineage), and can deepen your current dreaming gifts and / or activate new gifts you may not already be aware of. This work is also designed to open you to new realms of Dreaming that you may not have previously had access to.
All material relating to The Temple of Shamanic Magick® Workshop is provided under official licence. The Temple of Shamanic Magick is a registered trade mark in Australia, and an unregistered trade mark in all other locations where it is used throughout the world.
All other The Temple of Shamanic Magick Intellectual Property is copyright to Lemurian Dragon Pty Ltd, protected under the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, and used under licence with the owner’s express permission.
These materials are provided for your personal, non-commercial use only, and may not be shared without express permission, or used in any way that competes with the business interests of Dean Benson or The Temple of Shamanic Magick. If you have any questions or concerns about what constitutes appropriate use, please email connect@deanbenson.com or sharon@sourcemedicine.com.au.