Committed Lovers

Deepen on all levels with your beloved partner!

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 Establishing LOVE to be the core
& central pillar of your relationship.
Operate from here, Daily.

Life, emotions, ancestral burdens, pain, past experiences and childhood programming can get in-between that love from being expressed and experienced in its full potential.

Commit for 5 weeks to bring LOVE to the forefront and:

》Transform your relationship to new levels of Soul Connection
》Find personal freedom individually and within your relationship
》Create a whole new trajectory of where your relationship is going
》Show up to your partner as your true authentic self
》Heal from the past - release ancestral and previous relationship patterns or pain
》Support your descendents and the next generations through true conscious relating
》Bring in structures of communicaiton and self care so you are SEEN and HEARD, allowing your needs can be met


Sacred Union between two souls

This is worth striving for,
complacency will not bring salvation.



After 20 years in a committed relationship
And 10 years in Spirit Work study

The most important thing to me has been the Dream of my Family. This work has been born out of love and is part of the ‘Family Dreaming’ body of work.

Through a carefully structured and curated experience, we will journey as a group to support each of your Souls.
》Each week there will be Soul Constellation® work live
》Shared teachings, insights & exercises
》You will have set areas to explore individually and together
》There will be new structures for your week to install new ways of relating and communicating
》A support group will be held online, as we come together as a conscious community of couples aiming to deepen, heal & transoform our experience with our partner in this lifetime.


STARTS: August 26th
WHERE: Zoom Online
WHEN: Tuesdays 7:30pm
WHAT: Spirited Sacred Space with Constellations & Partner experiences
CONCLUDES: 5 Consecutive Tuesdays ending 23rd of September in Ceremony.

$750 per couple.
Price includes ‘Rose Ceremony Pack’ posted to you.


This container will be held within theWhite Dragon Lineage® Sacred Space Weaving Template, with Soul & Family Constellations® being a key aspect of the work.

Birthing this programme has been years in the making and with deep gratitude I acknowledge the immense support my mentor Sharon Bolt and the team at The Temple of Shamanic Magick® and The White Dragon Lineage®, whom I have studied the Art of Space Holding and Spirit Work with for the last 9 years. Upon this exploration I have also delved into Animism, Shamanism, Daoism, Celtic/Elven Healing, Family Constellations & other modalities of healing, plus undergone many forms of Initiation and Ceremony.


Even though our planet is extremely beautiful, it is also riddled with Toxicity. We must take ownership of our own internal temple, and do what we can for the collective vibration, by getting our Mind, Body & Spirit in order first. This space is held as a Medicine space where your multidimensional being can be be supported to shift into a new state, heal from from the past and activate your true authentic self for a brighter, healthier and more connected future.


Take your relationship into new levels of love, so your Souls can truly meet on a new level. To support each of you to heal, transform or clear what is blocking that from happening.