The Emperor & The Dragon


A unique mythical and magical round table circle of Men (Knights)
designed to awaken Dragon Power and set the energetic foundations
for building your inner Empire.

Men today are bombarded with many different messages about who they should be, how to act and what not to do. We are not educated about sexuality, relationships, emotions and mental health. Do you actually understand what it means to be authentic, embodied and in your power as a Man?

Men try to be strong in their Masculine, which in today’s general distortion, means do not show your emotions and toughen up. This is deeply ingrained in our blood due to the generations of trauma and programming that leave most men confused and disconnected from their true selves, and feelings. Men tend to carry the negative war trauma from their Ancestors, which creates more discomfort in their inner worlds, as the pain is too much.

In early childhood these lineage burdens start to affect the individual on a subconcious level and their openness to the inner magician starts to shut down due to trying to fit in with their peers. This early childhood time may influence the boys life in unhelpful ways or may still be causing trauma and pain.

An Emperor is the ruler of his inner empire.
Master of his emotions, adept at his craft with a laser vision that benefits humanity.

The Emperor and the Dragon initiation journey is an activation for your energetic codes - the essence of what you are here to share with others. This journey enables you to go deep into yourself and find your inner Truth; facilitating a genuine rebirth into your inner magic, enabling you to choose a path to walk with the certainty of knowing who you are, and the Destiny you are here to fulfil.

This programme was birthed by Sharon Bolt of The Temple of Shamanic Magick® & Shamanic Energy Training® after completing the 9 month journey with women for The Empress & The Dragon®.
The programme will be run in the Shamanic Energy Training® Sacred Space Weaving template by Dean, a Shamanic Practitioner who has trained with Sharon for over 8 years.

Each level of the programme launches with a weekend, and is followed by a 3 month container of support.
This provides enough time, space and encouragement for your inner transformation.

The Emperor & The Dragon™ is for Men who are:

Excited to deepen their practice of Ritual, Magick and Alchemy and learn how to put it all into practice

Interested in bridging the gap between their Masculine and Feminine energies

Ready to remove blocks that prevent them from finding passion and purpose

Ready to clear past trauma from their Lower Dan Tien

Want to understand the true metaphysical power of their Lower Dan Tien

Curious enough to start the healing process with their ancestry and lineage

Willing to be raw and vulnerable in a grounded and loving environment

Open to exploring and answering certain intimacy issues and fears

Prepared to clear the blocks that keep them trapped, looping or locked into old patterns and paradigms

Willing to look into the subconscious and the power it holds

Feeling it is time to cleanse and clear disempowering Ancestral Issues

Committed to bringing grounding and discipline to self-practice and awareness

Passionate about discovering different ways to sensually connect with themselves, their bodies and their masculine anatomy





The Emperor and The Dragon - Obsidian level is a 3 month immersion into inner alchemy, ritual magic, brotherhood, clearing work, self nurturing and healing.

How the programme works

This is a mythical and magickal men's circle of power broken up into a three part programme. The first part of the program focuses on your Lower Dan Tien – your power center. We will spend two days, followed by 3 months of support, awakening, clearing and listening to our inner wisdom via exploration and discovery in training sessions, sharing circles, ritual and ceremony :

Healing your family lineage so you no longer carry the emotions, beliefs and patterns that have been passed down inter-generationally

Learning to listen to your body and heal yourself from within

Elemental ceremony to receive your Scrying Mirror so that your practice begins in a sacred manner

How to work with ritual and create your own healing altar

How to communicate with crystals to awaken magick in your life

Self-care and cleansing practices and rituals you can continue at home – these will be experienced during the training.

Dietary guidelines to maximise your self-care and healing

On the first weekend we are working with the Black Obsidian Scrying Mirror and Alchemy Pack. We will work deeply with the medicine of the Obsidian and focus on self-healing, awakening, magick, clearing and letting go of the past.

Obsidian is a crystal that ignites the mirror within, the shadow that needs redefining and the traumas that call for healing. If you choose to embark upon this journey with Obsidian, you are trusting an inner knowing that you are ready to look deep within at the hidden aspects of yourself, calling to be recovered, remembered and reconciled.


  • 2 Days of in depth training

  • Monthly Mentoring Call

  • Private Online Support Group

    An extensive Altar Pack with:

  • Black Obsidian Scrying Mirror

  • Sacred Geometry Altar Mat

  • Cast Iron Cauldron

  • Obsidian Arrow Set

  • Vibration Essence Remedy

  • Dan Tien Oil

  • 3 Candles for Candle Magick

2024 Melbourne In Person Event:

Weekend Workshop: June 8th-9th
Early Bird Ends: May 8th
Times: 10am-5pm both days
Location: Melbourne Metro Location TBC
Support Calls: July 9th, August 6th & September 10th
Support Call Times: 6:30-8:30PM

2024 Online Event:

Teaching Calls: 8 Calls from May 23rd-July 11th.
Support Calls: August 1st & August 22nd
Early Bird Ends: May 8th
Call Day: Thursdays
Times: 6:30-8:30pm
Location: Zoom



Early Bird Available until dates above or until event is at capacity!
Payment plans available via email to

There is no doubt that we are consistently misguided, mislead, and distracted with so much information out there, and it is often rare to come across something that is truly authentic, let alone being able to distinguish from it. The wisdom, depth, substance and consciousness that lie behind these teachings is of unfathomable value which must be honoured and acknowledged.

Every man out there, no matter who you are, who you think you are or where you come from, who is serious and open to take on the challenge to make a significant impact in their life and the life of those around you, must explore this incredible course. It is bold, riveting, uplifting, healing, and much more!

This is without hesitation one of the best investments you can do for yourself, bringing awareness, clarity, balance, and harmony, and ultimately making a meaningful transformation for all the generations to come.
— Luis Lemon
Undertaking ‘the Emperor and the Dragon’ program with Dean Benson has been one of those experiences that last a lifetime.

The tools, practices and insights bound together in a masterful course has allowed me to unlock a deeper potential, freeing mental burdens and lifelong handicaps. I feel more aligned, more connected and more harmony within myself.

I am so blooming grateful for Dean and this incredible journey. Thank you
— Todd Robertson
This container greatly improved my awareness

I’ve noticed many shifts and positive changes in perspective, brining consciousness to my behavioural patterns that I didn’t even know existed.

Dean is amazing at understanding his group at a deeper level, bringing every member together creating a bond that feels tight from the very first day
The power of this container is beyond words, the work just speaks for itself.
— Lachlan Gayed
This is so needed in the world right now and Dean is the best person to help us men meet the true us and help us gently understand our blocks that prevent us from showing up fully for those around us, and ourselves

Doing this changed me, I didnt notice it but my wife did! In subtle ways .

I’m a dad with two daughters and this really helped me on my path as a better father for them and a better husband to my wife. I think men are lost and this provides you with a map, and empowers you to be your own compass.

Do it. Future you will thank you. I was actually nervous at the start about being in a group with men but it was a joyous, funny and deeply transformative two days where fellow course mates became brothers!
— Christian O'Connell
The Emperor and the Dragon has allowed me to tap into my divine masculine and become a protector of the women of the world and the divine feminine
— Daniel Bugeja
Emperor and the Dragon was as a truly transformative journey, serving as a catalyst for my personal growth and self-discovery. Dean’s exceptional skills as a space holder and facilitator elevated the program, offering profound insights into both myself and the world.

This experience empowered me to refine various aspects of my life, enhancing my presence and overall well-being.

This immersive journey proved to be a game changer, providing me with valuable tools to navigate life’s challenges with newfound clarity and purpose. I wholeheartedly recommend Emperor and the Dragon to anyone seeking a profound and enriching exploration of self-improvement and personal development.
— Tim Baxter
Dean’s Emperor & the Dragon workshop was an incredible experience and will forever be remembered by myself as an important milestone in my life.

In today’s world, it is easy to feel lost as a man and this seemed to make sense of everything. Feeling the support of other men on a similar journey to self improvement and being the best versions of themselves did wonders encouraging me to be strong and keep working hard to do the right things.

I would encourage everyone to spend some time reading what is included, and if the calling is there to give it a go, you will definitely feel it as I did.

The tools and skills learned from this have helped me immensely to navigate life since and I am proud of myself for putting in the work as I am now seeing the results.
— Michael Gayed